MarĂ­a Victoria Miranda Polanco

Health Area Director

Academic Background

Universidad de Chile, highest distinction (2020). Course “Gender and Global Public Policies”, Institute of International Studies, Universidad de Chile.

Professional Experience

Intern at the Legal Department of the Universidad de Chile (2016). Legal advisor to the Office of the Vice President for Student and Community Affairs at Universidad de Chile (2016) and the Office of Student Welfare at the Universidad de Chile (2017). Attorney at the law firm Zúñiga Campos Abogados (2017-2019). Associate at the law firm Mendoza Oddo Mori Aguerrea & Gilmore (2019-2021). Legal advisor to the national subdirectorate of the National Migration Service (2021-2022).

Academic Activities

Assistant professor of Introduction to Law I and II (2012-2016), Constitutional Law I, II and III (2013-2020) and Constitutional Actions (2018-2019), at Universidad de Chile.


Spanish and English.
